Saturday, August 11, 2012

Silly Cervix..

Many people have asked questions about what is truly going on with our situation and my cervix..SO, let's get personal about my lady parts!
This has been a learning experience for me..and after talks with our doctors along with the good 'ol internet (wikipedia etc)  I can now pass on some of that information to you all.

Most people know that when a baby is about to be delivered the cervix dilates (opens) to allow the baby to pass through the birth canal.  The cervix must also be effaced (shortened).  In order for the baby to pop out the cervix needs to be 100% effaced and Dilated to 10 cm wide.  The common thing for people to assume is that my cervix is dilated, which it is NOT.. this is a VERY good thing :)  Once dilation starts to happen, my water will surely break from lack of support and Delaney will be on her way!   This is the main reason I am ordered to bed rest is because simply, gravity could do us in.  Because effacement is already underway once contractions and dilation start it will most likely be a very quick delivery.  This also happened with Collin's delivery.. After only 2 contractions I was 3 cm dilated and he was born in 3.5 hours.  I am hoping that this will be a quick delivery as well, because let's face birth is not exactly fun!  

While on this subject I want to make that very clear..just because Collin was under 2 lbs does not mean his delivery was a breeze!  Contractions are contractions..and frankly, they hurt like hell!  I take pride in not being a "whimpy" girl, I feel like I can take pain, and I can honestly say, I am NOT looking forward to giving birth to Delaney.  Thankfully, once it's over we will have our little girl, and it will all be worth it.  But, I can assure you all we won't be having anymore!  I should ask insurance if they'd be willing to tie my tubes and also give jason a vasectomy!  Besides the fact of not wanting to go through the delivery process again, now knowing of the issues with my body and carrying a pregnancy to full term, I will not be willing to risk it.  We are extremely blessed to have Collin and we got very lucky..we are hoping and praying that Delaney will thrive just as well as her big brother!

Anyway.. back to the cervix info... The average length of a healthy cervix is about 4cm long. After my last appointment it was measured at 1.7cm that means we are at about 60% effaced. According to the OB specialist it is very possible to make it many more weeks.  He's even had patients that made it so far they actually had to be induced!!  So there definitely is hope for us here.  Anything past 32 weeks is like GOLD and past 36 weeks could land us simply a few days in the hospital as opposed to months.  So every day in gestation is wonderful.  Lay in bed and wait is the answer.

I looked up an ultrasound photo on google of a normal cervix to show you in comparison to mine..

So as you can see in the first image there is lots of grey space and it looks closed up.. on mine you can see that big area of black to the left that is the fluid membranes.  If you can see the tiny little plus signs..that is the measurement of still useful and in-tact cervix.  But, you can see there is a black line starting.. that is the membranes and it is called 'funneling'.  Based on this image the Dr.s felt very serious about me being on bed rest.  I will have a repeat ultrasound every thursday to check on the cervix and see if it has progressed.

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