Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Bed Rest Blues..

Well, I have been laying/sitting here for over 2 weeks now.. So needless to say I am BORED! and getting restless.  But the good news is.... I've been laying here for 2 weeks :)  
Delaney is now 27 weeks gestation.  With everyday that passes it will give her better chances to fight the odds and avoid complications of prematurity.

My days have been spent with the occasional visitor as well as Collin & Jason or my Mom when Jason's at work.  They "babysit" me!  By helping with house chores and meals so I don't have to strain myself.  They have both been a very big help.  Collin is enjoying hanging out with me in bed.. He's had plenty of tummy time and has been practicing rolling and sitting up :)

I will have another ultrasound to check for cervical length tomorrow morning.  At the last appointment there was significant change and just a little over 1cm was left in tact.  So we will not be surprised if there is continued change to the cervix at the exam tomorrow.  There is a good possibility of getting admitted to the hospital again soon, especially if there is a significant change.  It will get to the point when the inevitable breaking of water or labor will begin, so the Dr.'s may feel more comfortable with us waiting out the rest of the time at the hospital, as it will be safest for the baby.   We will let you all know if that happens..

For now my time will be spent with plenty of play with Collin as well as TV, board games..facebook & pinterest to pass the time :)
Here's the boys hanging out with me in bed :)

1 comment:

  1. Woke up suddenly this morning and was compelled to pray for you guys. I hope all goes well today at the DR. and that everything is great with Delaney. I love you guys and am looking forward to coming home and keeping you company. Give that precious doodle-head a kiss for me and Jason a hug :)
