Wednesday, August 29, 2012

7 Months!

Holy Moly!  We Made it to 28 weeks :)  

Believe it or not..laying around is so HARD!  I am very used to running around and doing many chores or family outings etc when not working, so the whole bed 24/7 thing is kinda stinky!  But, it seems to be working at keeping little baby in :)

I'm laying in bed with Collin right now, he just had his morning 'bubba' and is a very happy, smiley boy today which makes me very happy because the past few days he has been grumpy!  We think he had a small cold or it was just a few bad teething days, still no teeth yet though!!

My Dr. appointment last week went well, very much to my surprise my cervical length was IMPROVED!?!?  didn't even know that was possible, but i'll take it!  So we will see how tomorrow's appointment goes.  I also get to do a 3 hour glucose test..Hoooray :)

That's all for now!

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