Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Big Girl!

Today was the first appointment of my new regiment.  Every tuesday I will get an ultrasound to measure Delaney.  Followed by a 30 minute non-stress test to make sure her heart rate is normal and watch for contractions.  Finally I meet with the doctor to get my blood pressure, weight etc and go over the week's blood sugar numbers.   Every friday is another NST and my delalutin shot.

So today's ultrasound was great.. I brought my Mom and we got to see lots of details of the big girl!  The ultrasound technician estimated she now weighs about 6lbs 1 oz. HOLY MOLY!  And with 7 weeks to go!!  I guess there is no happy medium for me.. My first was less than 2lbs..and she'll probably be 10!   My dosage of gly-buride (for the diabetes) was upped to 2x's a day. This should help keep my sugars in check.  Since she is already getting big, and with the diabetes it is important to keep the sugars at normal levels so that she wont gain too much weight.  It could cause complications for delivery (such as having to get a c-section) or it could cause her to be hypo-glycemic at birth.

I'm actually hoping that with these check ups every week they will let me deliver a little early.. Hoping for a nice birthday present :)  We will see, it would be cool.

So, here's a picture from the ultrasound of her facing forward, not a terribly clear picture.. but you can see she has fat cheeks already :)

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