Friday, November 15, 2013

One Year!

Dear Baby Delaney-

                    It is hard to believe that 365 days have passed since you came into the world.  This past year with you coming into our lives has been unbelievably amazing and so much more than we could have ever imagined.  While doing all this getting ready for your first birthday party, it got me thinking about things and all I could do was cry.  I want to say sorry to you sissy, because I never knew how much I could possibly love you until you showed me how.  I hate admitting that I had a hard time connecting to you while you were in my belly.  I think its because when your big brother came so early and we were scared, we thought we couldn't go through that ever again.  I remember telling your grammy that I did not want to have any more babies, and soon after that we found out you were coming.  But, the truth is.. God knew best what we needed, and he has shown us that over and over again. Especially since you and your big brother were born.  
Me and Daddy's initial reactions to the news were "oh, poop!" and "what are we going to do?!".  Well, all we needed was love and the amazing family and friends we have. They threw us a baby shower yet again, getting you everything you needed to be fed, clothed, snuggled and even a nice crib for you to sleep in.  We had some of the same doctors again and they helped make sure that you grew and grew inside my belly until you were ready!  
Sissy-girl... You have changed me for the better, I hope to be a good mommy to you and I will love you with all I've got.  You are so beautiful, the prettiest little girl I've ever seen. Your eyes twinkle, and you smile so big and crinkle your nose!  You dance and sing, and give the drool-iest kisses. You can say da-da, ma-ma and you can even wave and say "hi!".  You love to clap your hands and shake your head and wiggle your body when you listen to music.  You are so great at crawling and you are getting ready to stand by yourself and learn how to walk.  You are being such a big girl already trying to feed yourself and you can drink out of a cup!  I am so blessed to watch you grow, and it's going by too quickly!   I know you are going to be a beautiful person inside and out, and I look forward to seeing what great things you are going to accomplish in this life. You are and will be an amazing woman.

I love you Laney-Bug


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