Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Last Prenatal Check-up!

Today was my last prenatal check up and all is well!!  We are scheduled for a C-section this Friday!

Ultrasound showed plenty of amniotic fluid, so she's happy moving all around still.  She is in position for a vaginal delivery, but that will not matter since she's getting cut out!!  Her measurements were off the charts and they are guessing she will be around 10 lbs 3 oz at time of delivery! WOW. thank goodness we opted for the surgery!!

My Dr. also wanted to inform us that because of her size and my history with the gestational diabetes, do not be alarmed if they bring her up to NICU for observation. She could have low blood sugars at birth because often when the mother is gestational diabetic, baby tries to help out and produce extra insulin. This wouldn't be the end of the world as the NICU staff are like our family! And, we know she will be taken care of by some of the best people in the world.

These next few days will be busy as we prepare for Delaney's arrival. I've started the "nesting" process and have the nursery all ready to go along with clean laundry for everyone and a sparkling oven! LOL why I felt the need to clean the oven?!  who knows!   Now all I have to do is pack up the hospital bag and we should be good to go :)

We will post her first picture sometime Friday evening!

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