Tuesday, October 15, 2013

11 months

Hard to believe that in just one month our baby girl is going to be a year old!!!

Laney recently had a dr's appointment to get a flu shot and she weighed 21 pounds. She is in the 75th percentile for height and weight and was overall healthy and happy!

She now has 4 teeth. two bottom and two on top!  She has a split in her top teeth and its very adorable.
Sissy is a hungry little piggy she eats two servings of pureed food and/or oatmeal cereal 3xs a day, and she still takes formula.  She is doing very well with a training sippy cup and has her bubba at bed time.
She has been picky about solid foods, but we are working on introducing more.

She has been crawling for awhile now, and pulls herself to stand. She walks along the furniture, but hasn't been able to stand on her own yet.
We love how vocal she is, and how much she loves music. She is constantly humming or singing she says "la-la-la" and sways side-to-side :)  She claps her hands and loves to play peek-a-boo.

We are looking forward to Halloween, she is going to be a ladybug! Which, will also be the theme for her 1st birthday!